Important tips for using corn harvesters

1. 10-15 days before harvest, field investigations should be conducted to assess the lodging degree, planting density and row spacing, ear sagging, and ear height of corn, and a work plan should be formulated in advance;


2. Level the ditches and ridges in the fields 3-5 days in advance, and install signs for unobstructed obstacles such as water wells and electric poles;

Before starting work, a trial harvest should be conducted, and the equipment should be adjusted to meet the agronomic requirements before it can be put into formal work.


4. Before homework, adjust the gap between the picking rollers (or ear plates) appropriately to reduce grain breakage; During homework, pay attention to the smoothness of the fruit ear lifting process to avoid getting stuck or blocked; Observe the filling level of the fruit ear box and dump the fruit ears in a timely manner to avoid overflow or blockage during unloading;


5. Adjust the operating height of the straw returning machine correctly to ensure that the stubble height is less than 10cm, so as to avoid soil erosion and damage to the returning tools;


When installing a stubble remover, the depth of the stubble removal tool should be ensured, and the depth of the stubble removal should be kept the same to ensure the quality of the operation.


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